Monday 19 November 2012

WMI Access Denied error when provisioning a vPro system with SCS and ACUConfig.exe

Hi all,

If you are receiving the following error when you try to provision a vpro system it will most likely be due to WMI permissions.

2012-11-20 12:19:25: Thread:1584(ERROR) : ACU Configurator , Category: ConnectServer Source: Src\WMIAccess.cpp : ConnectToNamespace Line: 146: A call to this function has failed - (0xc000278b) (Access denied-2147217405)

The command I am using to configure the system is as follows:

ACUConfig.exe /verbose /lowsecurity ConfigViaRCSOnly IPAddressofServer Profile  /WMIuser domain\useraccount /WMIuserpassword P@ssw0rd

You can verify that it is a WMI permissions issue by logging onto the system with the account you are trying to configure the system with and performing a WMI Test
  • Run Wbemtest by going to Start => Wbemtest 
  • Click on Connect
  • Type in \\Your_Server\root\intel_RCS in the NameSpace location. Change Your Server to your SCS server 

If you get the above access denied error you have a WMI permissions issue.

To resolve the issue follow the steps below:
  • Log onto your SCS Server and load wmimgmt.msc. Right click on WMI Control (Local) and select properties

  • Select the Security Tab 

  • Make sure the account you are using to run ACUConfig.exe has the following permissions on all four namespaces.
    • Execute Methods
    • Full Write
    • Remote Enable

Intel has documented the required permissions in the SCS user guide on page 46

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